2023 Program
TEDx Videos from Event

The 2023 TEDxWarrenton event consisted of four themed sections and 14 speaker slots. The capacity audience enjoyed the variety of topics and the diversity of the speakers. Below are the speakers from the event, This event was made possible by our partnerships.

Session 1- Human Interactions

Lisa David Olson

Dr. Courtney L. Sexton

Harish Bikmal

Session 2 - Technology Futures

Daphne B. Latimore

Lisa TheLandstronaut Alcindor

Paul Perrone

Alexander Olesen


Session 3 - Social Forces

Dr. Steven Shepard

Ken Falke

Marianne Clyde

Ashleigh Clyde


Session 4 - Entertainment and Self Discovery

Glenn Quader

Sharon Krasny

Patricia Bartell