2022 Program – TEDx Videos from Event

The inaugural TEDxWarrenton event consisted of four themed sections and 14 speaker slots. The capacity audience enjoyed the variety of topics and the diversity of the speakers. Below are the speakers from the event, and either a placeholder for their video (“in progress” means video is being worked on for internal review. “in review” means the video is with the TEDx organization and being reviewed for posting), or their actual video. This event was made possible by our partnerships.

Session 1- Believe in Human Potential

Willie and Dee Jolley

Shari Goodwin

Mike Acker

Session 2 - Believe in Science


Dr. Christian Busch

Don Rheem

Jeffrey Kendall Sapp

Josef Martens


Session 3 - Believe in Making a Difference

David Jeck

Louise Stowe-Johns

Laurie Tarpey


Session 4 - Believe in Community


Charlotte Lorick

John Chilton McAuliff
