October 21, 2023
Speaker application closes June 18
Welcome to TEDxWarrenton
TEDxWarrenton is a self-sustaining, volunteer-run, group with a license from TED to independently organize a local TED event. TEDxWarrenton was established in 2021 for spreading new ideas and connecting a community within Fauquier County eager to grow their impact on the world. We welcome and champion those who want to challenge the status quo and drive change. TEDx is a platform that amplifies the ideas of change makers; a forum to foster new perspectives, and a community committed to challenging its members to be better.
TEDx is a showcase for speakers presenting great, well-formed ideas in under 18 minutes. Why under 18 minutes? This short talk model works, since it only demands the audience’s attention for a short period of time, decreasing the chance of minds wandering or daydreaming about lunch.
TEDxWarrenton 2023 Event
The inaugural 2022 TEDxWarrenton was a great success. This event would not have been possible with out the great volunteer team, and the fabulous partners.
We are happy to announce that we have been approved for TEDxWarrenton 2023. The event is scheduled for Saturday October 21 in Warrenton VA. We are just beginning the planning, and will be looking for speakers in the near future.